Business management includes:
Managing yourself and your time
In planning your timetable, allocate blocks of time for your business and blocks of time for family and leisure activities. Work time is divided into technical work and management tasks.
Managing your staff
How many staff is required at each stage of the business life cycle. How you will find your staff, what skills do your staff require, what training will you provide your staff and how long will it take you to recruit and train staff?
Managing suppliers of goods and services
You need to balance the loyalty, service and possible price advantages of dealing with one supplier against the risk of the supplier becoming complacent or not performing, causing a lack of key products or components.
Managing your business partners
You need to know why your partner(s) want to go into business with you and what they expect to get out of the business.
Managing your money
You need to work out when you are going to need money and how much money you will need. The essential financial tools to guide you in this task are a Cash Flow Forecast and a Projected Profit and Loss.